Benefits of PRP
Lower Back Pain Treatment with Orthogen PRP Therapy
PRP is often defined as autologous blood, which consists of blood platelets above the regular baseline levels. PRP has proved to contain at least seven essential growth factors. PRP is collected from the patient’s body and is then injected to the area where required or the part which has been injured. The primary goal of PRP is to form fibers and new blood vessels, repair and strengthen and also to help tighten the tissues or joints.
Primary benefits of Orthogen PRP therapy and treatment:
- Helps to treat unresponsive injuries and chronic pain: Many of the patients often rely on pain killers or pain reduction medicines like aspirin and oral steroids. Pain killers are consumed to lower the joint pain or the pain of an injury. Many people even consume such medications frequently. Yet, these medications do not show any results of curing the injury or even after successful operation of the injured joint or area. PRP has proved to work for those who did not respond to the other treatments or operations properly. In case of chronic injuries it might happen that the body cannot properly recognize the area and the repair is not possible. For such cases, PRP is the best type of prolotherapy. PRP therapy helps to cause a purposeful inflammation near the affected area, so that the body recognizes the area and the repair process begins.
- Helps to decrease the symptoms of osteoarthritis: PRP has been found to restore the hyaluronic acid due to the presence of hepatocyte growth factors and fibroblasts. These effects are very much essential for those suffering from Knee Pain due to osteoarthritis.
- Helps to reduce lower back pain: PRP can very well treat chronic lower back pain and it has also been found that PRP cured cases which were previously very difficult to cure. It has even resulted to 90-100 percent improvement of the patients suffering from lower back pain. And around 60% of the patients experienced improvements in their pain, stability and posture. Lower back pain is mostly caused due to bulging of torn discs, ligamentous instability and Musculoskeletal compensations. Poor alignment of posture can also lead to lower back pain. These damages tissue over time and results to injuries and also spreads to other parts of the body. PRP therapy can help to cure lower back pain by treating structural ligaments and also by improving stability and weight dispersion.

- Reduces the symptoms of tendonitis: It has been found from researches that about 30-50 percent of sports injuries are mainly tendon disorders, many of which even stops responding to treatment after some time. PRP has been proved to help with common sports injuries like Achilles tendon, Tennis Elbow, flexor tendonitis and also radial collateral tearing of ligaments. It has been found that patients who opt for PRP treatment in case of sports injuries, has experienced about 94 % of pain reduction within a year of treatment.
The benefits of PRP are increasing day by day and doctors are also prescribing for PRP treatments and therapy to cure Joint Pains and other injuries as well as cure for hair loss as well. Dr Vineeth MB, Orthopedic Surgeon in Ernakulam provides Lower Back Pain PRP Treatment in Kochi, Kerala. Know more about Non surgical orthopedic PRP Therapy Benefits in India by enquiring with us.